Outreach Ministries
Loving Hands Quilting Bee
Meets once a month to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief Adopt A Hwy Program St. Thomas sponsors clean-up throughout the year of a two-mile stretch of east highway 23 in Cheboygan keeping it litter-free Prayer Shawl Ministry Prayers for healing are said while knitting the Prayer Shawls which are given to those in need of peace and healing Noisy Offering Our Christian Education students collect an offering of loose change on the third Sunday of every month during the school year to support missions like the ELCA's "God's Global Barnyard" Lutheran World Relief Kits Along with our quilts, St. Thomas assembles health and school kits for Lutheran World Relief that aid those affected most by poverty, war and natural disaster. Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes filled with small items for children are collected and shipped to Samaritan's Purse who then distributes the boxes to children all over the world with the message of God's love for them and the gift of his Son! Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW St. Thomas on Facebook ! |